How WWE should book The Undertaker’s last match part 2

So to recap:

Roman Reigns has won the Royal Rumble and retained the WWE World Heavyweight Championship with some help from The Undertaker.

So the next night on raw Brock is FURIOUS! He absolutely destroys the dressing room and is in a complete rage. Meanwhile Paul Heyman is arguing with Vince and Stephanie about the “circumstances” of Brock Lesnar’s elimination from the Rumble and then Brock walks in and grabs Vince by the scruff of the neck saying “I want my title shot tonight.” And Vince replies “You got it”

So the match begins and Lesnar is dominating. Brock is killing him,Roman can’t even stand. Then Brock picks him up and gives him an f-5…and then another and another and another. He gives him four f-5s and then…the gong rings.So Brock goes over to the ropes facing the entrance and stands, waiting for the deadman to appear and then suddenly Reigns rolls Brock up for the 1-2-3 and wins.This sends Brock into RAGE MODE and he destroys everything, from the chairs at ringside,the steps and the commentary table. Then he gets Reigns and spears him through the barricade. Then he gets Michael Cole and throws him into the timekeeper’s area and he gets JBL and power bombs him through the commentary table that he already stripped down. Then he leaves

For the next two weeks we see clips of Lesnar raging. Just destroying everything in sight.Then on the Raw before Fastlane he runs into Triple H and Trips says “Hey Brock whoever breaks it pays, for it. Anyway that’s not why I’m here, I’m here to tell you, you have a title shot at Fastlane against Roman Reigns… and its a last man standing match. Oh yeah Brock, you might want to stop breaking everything or ill have do to you what I did last time”

(Referring to WrestleMania 29 where Brock Lesnar lost to Trips)

So at Fastlane, Brock’s against Reigns for the title with special guest referee Triple H. There”s some good table and chair spots but nothing huge until Brock f-5s roman onto the steps and bumps into Triple H ,then slaps him for getting in his way then Trips gives Lesnar the pedigree out of nowhere. Then the gong hits but nothing happens, Roman Reigns spears Brock and Trips counts to ten and the match is over.Then the lights go out. when they come back up, Taker’s standing in the ring with the title, facing off to Reigns.Then he lifts it up and he stares at it, then he points at it then he drops it and leaves

I’ve decided to end this as part 2 because this where Trips and Brock becomes its own rivalry. Don’t forget to Like, share,follow and comment what you’d like to see me do

The Undertaker’s last match.How it should be booked Part 1


As you all know The Undertaker’s last match will probably be at Wrestlemania 32,but his most likely opponent John Cena has been injured for 6 to 9 months with a shoulder injury.First things first get well soon John WWE will miss you.Second,now The Undertaker doesn’t have an opponent for Wrestlemania.Who’s going to face Taker now.Triple H? No too many times.Brock Lesnar? Same problem.But this is a problem I can fix

In my mind there is only one person who can face The Undertaker. Roman Reigns

Whoa whoa whoa I know what your saying.Is Roman not already getting pushed and that he’s kinda involved in a rivalry with Vince/Brock Lesnar. I’ll explain what I’ll do with Brock and Vince in a different post but for now it’s just Roman and Taker

So this starts at the Royal Rumble and Roman Reings comes in at number 5.(Yes I know that’s early but for good reason)So when he gets in straight off the bat,WMD from the Big Show but he can’t throw Roman out.For the next while Roman Reings gets literally gets everyone’s fines her but can’t be thrown out up until about number 26.So there’s 4 people in the ring Roman Reings,Kofi Kingston,Big E and Xavier Woods has come out at number 26.When Woods is on his way to the ring a masked figure attacks him


.As the New Day look on in fear Roman Reings eliminates Kofi and Big E from behind. So the next three participants come out.Let’s jut say Neville,Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus come out.They all try to throw Roman out but fail.Then number 30 comes out and it’s the masked figure that took out Xavier Woods.The figure takes off the mask and it’s  Brock Lesnar.Brock runs out to the ring and eliminates Dolph and Neville as Roman eliminates Sheamus and the crowd erupts as they realise that it’s Brock and Roman left in the ring.As the crowds reaction reaches its peak Brock picks up Roman and gives him 3 F-5s in a row!Then a familiar gong hits but the lights don’t go out and all you see is Brock laughing manically in the ring and then the lights go out for about 3 minutes and we hear a huge crash.undertaker-on-entrance-ramp-in-wwe-arena


When the lights come up Brock Lesnar is on the ground outside the ring with the rubble from the Spanish announce table and the crowd realise that Roman Reings has won.As he celebrates the gong hits and the lights go out once more and the word “YOU” appears on the titantron and when the lights come up Takers there at the entrance


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See ya👋

What this blog is about

As you can guess from the name this blog is all about wrestling.Some things I’ll be talking about are

  1. How WWE should book or should have booked based on what my idea because “My ideas are great😉” 
  2. Subjects that NEED to be addressed in WWE
  3. Top ten lists on chosen subjects
  4. And of course,whatever you guys suggest.Without you there’ll be no point in posting so get commenting 

So remember after every post comment what you think and your suggestions
